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苹果汽车谁来造 Apple car is a slice of the pie“best365登录网页版”

添加时间:2025-01-17 04:15:01

本文摘要:Apple’s car is either the worst-kept secret since its watch or a cracker of an inside joke. “Project Titan” has generated massive hype for a product that is five to 10 years off. The iCar may be electric and drive itself or not. Few know. But if it does arrive, it will be stylish, tech savvy, integrate with the iPhone and be in demand. Who will build them? Not Apple: it does not build its phones or computers, and building cars is much more complicated — just ask Tesla.苹果(Apple)汽车要么是时隔苹果手表之后最未能激进好的秘密,要么是个只有内行人才听不懂的高明笑话。

Apple’s car is either the worst-kept secret since its watch or a cracker of an inside joke. “Project Titan” has generated massive hype for a product that is five to 10 years off. The iCar may be electric and drive itself or not. Few know. But if it does arrive, it will be stylish, tech savvy, integrate with the iPhone and be in demand. Who will build them? Not Apple: it does not build its phones or computers, and building cars is much more complicated — just ask Tesla.苹果(Apple)汽车要么是时隔苹果手表之后最未能激进好的秘密,要么是个只有内行人才听不懂的高明笑话。Project Titan使一款5到10年后才未来将会问世的产品受到肆意抹黑。


谁将是这款产品的制造者?不是苹果:苹果的手机、电脑都不是苹果生产的,而生产汽车要简单得多——问问特斯拉(Tesla)就告诉了。An existing carmaker might build it. Plenty of carmakers taught Chinese joint venture partners how to make cars as the price of admission to the growing Chinese market, even at the risk of increasing low-cost competition. The iCar market would be large and lucrative. A big global carmaker might be tempted to help with the build, even if Apple monopolised the branding, customer relationship and profitability. The benefits of scale and the brand halo might encourage them to overlook the risk of cannibalised sales.制造者可能会由一家现有的汽车制造商担任。


即使苹果在品牌、客户关系和盈利能力方面独霸益处,也许仍然不会有一家大型全球汽车制造商禁不住欲望,协助苹果生产汽车。规模效应和品牌光环带给的益处可能会希望它们忽略类似于产品上市的风险。More likely that a Chinese carmaker would step in. The manufacturer would be cost efficient for Apple and gain needed scale for itself. And premium-priced Apple cars are unlikely to cannibalise sales of low-priced models for the Chinese market.更加有可能的是,不会有一家中国汽车制造商参予进去。

与这家制造商合作对苹果来说将具备成本效益,制造商自身则能取得所需的规模。定价高端的苹果汽车不大可能影响中国市场上低端车型的销售。Another likely option is Magna Steyr, the world’s largest white-label carmaker. It builds cars in European and Chinese plants to meet overflow demand or specialised, low-volume models for BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler and Aston Martin. Building cars is a side business for parent company Magna International, but the group has $18bn in enterprise value, supplies all the big carmakers and has been serious about growth since its founder left in late 2012 (shares are up 166 per cent since). Like the phones, most of the iCar’s profit will be Apple’s, but there is a slice of pie there for the partner.另一个有可能的选项是世界仅次于的代工汽车制造商麦格纳斯太尔(Magna Steyr)。

该公司在欧洲和中国的工厂为宝马(BMW)、梅赛德斯-飞驰(Mercedes-Benz)、克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和阿斯顿马丁(Aston Martin)生产汽车,以符合多达生产能力的市场需求,或者生产特别版的小批量车型。对于其母公司麦格纳国际(Magna International)而言,汽车生产是一项副业,但麦格纳斯太尔的企业价值超过180亿美元,是所有大型汽车制造商的供应商。该集团在其创始人2012年末离开了后十分重视快速增长(那之后股价下跌了166%)。就像iPhone一样,iCar的大多数利润将归苹果,但合作伙伴总能借此分给一杯羹。




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