添加时间:2025-01-06 04:15:01
Googles data centres and the offices for its 60,000 staff will be powered entirely by renewable energy from next year, in what the company has called a landmark moment.从明年开始,谷歌的数据中心和其6万名员工的办公室将几乎用于可再生能源发电,该公司称作具备里程碑意义的时刻。The internet giant is already the worlds biggest corporate buyer of renewable electricity, last year buying 44% of its power from wind and solar farms.该互联网巨头早已是世界上仅次于的可再生能源的公司买家,去年在风力和太阳能发电厂出售了44%的电力。
Now it will be 100%, and an executive said it would not rule out investing in nuclear power in the future.现在这一数字将超过100%,一位管理人员回应,该公司不回避未来投资核电的有可能。Oman said it had taken Google five years to reach the 100% target, set in 2012, because of the complexity involved with negotiating power purchase agreements.奥曼回应,由于谈判电力出售协议的复杂性,谷歌公司花上了五年时间才构建012年订下的100%的目标。
The companys biggest demand for energy is its data centres and it admits their overall thirst for power is growing.该公司仅次于的能源需求是其数据中心,并否认他们对电力的整体渴求正在快速增长。Google was now looking to sign 10-year agreements for low-carbon power that was not intermittent, such as hydro, biomass and nuclear.谷歌现在想签定10年不间断的如水电、生物质和核电这样的低碳电力协议。We want to do contracts on renewable power, it could be biomass if the fuel source is sustainable, it could be nuclear. Were looking at all forms of low-carbon generation.我们期望签定有关可再生能源的合约,如果燃料来源是可持续的,它可以是生物质,也可以是核电。
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