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苹果爆猛料 机身将变厚存玫瑰金版-best365登录网页版

添加时间:2024-12-26 04:15:01

本文摘要:Apples recent obsession with gold-colored versions of its products is indeed a response to preferences in China。

Apples recent obsession with gold-colored versions of its products is indeed a response to preferences in China。苹果公司近来对金色产品的偏爱实则是不受中国的影响。Apple CEO Tim Cook told Bloomberg Businessweek that the company takes Chinese tastes into consideration when releasing new iPhones, iPads and MacBook。

苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克在拒绝接受《彭博商业周刊》专访时说,苹果公司在公布新的手机、平板、笔记本电脑时会把中国人的品味划入考量。Of course, Apple has to consider Asian color palette preferences. In April, greater China — which includes China, Taiwan and Hong Kong — surpassed Europe to become Apples second-largest market after the U.S。当然,苹果也不会考虑到亚洲其他国家和地区的颜色偏爱。

今年四月,大中华地区——还包括中国大陆,台湾和香港等地区——打破欧洲沦为苹果在全球的第二大市场,次于美国。In October, Cook said the company planned to more than double the number of Apple stores in greater China from 15 to 40 within the next two years。今年10月,库克称之为公司计划于未来两年内将在中国开办的苹果店从15家减至40家。

As Mashables Adario Strange explained in detail, gold, black and silver are colors associated with luxury in Asia. In fact, its probably true to say that gold is the universal color for luxury。正如美国科技媒体Mashable特约撰稿人阿德里奥·斯川吉所言,金色,黑色和银色在亚洲被视作奢侈的代表。不过事实上,我们也可以说道金色是奢侈的广泛象征物。

Apple first tested the waters with the gold iPhone 5S in 2013. It then released a gold iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, followed by a gold iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3, and most recently, the gold MacBook。苹果首度试水是于2013年发售了金色版的iPhone 5S。

之后陆续发售了金色版的iPhone 6 ,6 Plus, iPad Air 2 和iPad mini 3。近期发售的还有金色版的MacBook。While those products are merely gold-colored (aluminum anodized to look gold), Apple also sells 18-karat gold Apple Watches in the Edition collection. Those have also proven to be a huge hit with customers, especially in China. Almost immediately after Apples 18-karat gold Apple Watch Editions were available for preorder, they sold out in China。虽然以上这些产品只是金色(铝合金),苹果还出售收藏版18克拉的苹果金色智能手表。

这一款手表享有相当大的客户群,特别是在是在中国。这一款8克拉的苹果金色智能手表刚一开始拒绝接受预约,在中国立刻售空。The next iPhone is rumored to come in rose gold. Apple currently sells an 18-karat rose gold Apple Watch starting at $10,000.传闻下一部苹果手机将不会是玫瑰金。





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